service-1Strategy Creation

Over the last decade we have taken many businesses far beyond what they could have achieved themselves.

Working as an integral part of your team, we will lead you through an interactive process that will result in a viable strategy plan with clear implementation paths to realise business objectives.

By providing an extra perspective, setting the vision and demonstrating what future value looks like, our engagement will deliver solutions to the challenges that your organisation faces now and in the future.

Whether you run an early stage or internationally based multi-million pound organisation, a clear strategy and implementation plan will unlock the true potential value.

service-2Business Development.

We will run an in-depth diagnostic of the challenges your business faces that will be the foundation for greater revenue growth and profitability.

All aspects of business development from organisational structure to marketing and sales will be laid down in a plan. A key part of our role will be to help you implement the plan and gain the buy-in of key individuals that will own it.

The overriding objective will be to execute the plan to create greater value and growth potential in the short, medium and longer terms.

Some of the businesses we have worked with have seen a fivefold increase in revenue and profitability within a three year period.

service-3Executive Coaching

Halagen provide highly confidential and discrete executive coaching on a 1:1 basis. The senior team needs to be strong, well informed and confident of delivering results. Our tailored programmes help achieve this objective.

The programmes cover a range of areas including strategy and leadership capability, influencing and persuading, communications, presentations, confidence building in new areas and personal gravitas training.

Executive coaching combined with a bespoke financial training package will ensure that executives fully understand the impact they have on the financial results of the business and importantly, how to positively influence them.

Executive coaching and development should be an integral component of a growth strategy.

service-4Executive Recruitment

We will visit you to gain a full understanding of your business, its strategic objectives and culture.

From this knowledge, we will draft a person specification and job description plus a well- crafted advertisement to go to market with.

We will then handle placing the advertisement online, run first and second interviews and screen the profile of candidates to give you a viable short list of good quality people to interview.

Importantly, we will advise you on which candidate, in our opinion, is the best match for your organisation.

This will make sure you get the right person, first time, for the right price and avoid potentially expensive recruitment mistakes.

service-5Bespoke Financial Training

The key is to link the job role to the financial consequences of what people do. When your executive teams realise the financial consequences of their sales and operational strategies, they will be motivated towards more informed decisions, high impact actions and better behaviour. This is for everyone, not just the Board.

We will design a programme in the direct context of the individual’s role within the business. That way, they will “get it” and can relate their decision making to their own areas and those of others to a greater positive effect on the financial results of the business.

The training programmes will be delivered to your teams in-house and will result in financial skill and knowledge becoming a powerful tool, not an inhibitor.

service-5Other Halagen Services

Halagen also offers:

  • International business development
  • Start up and early stage development support
  • Financial direction and management
  • MBO, M&A post-merger integration
  • Succession planning
  • Exiting a business.

All Halagen’s services are designed to increase the performance of our client’s businesses and add long term value. Call us on 01892 617820 to find out more